Beth Reye Declares as a Reagan Republican for U.S. Senate
Pledges to return reason and responsibility on securing the border and standing-up to tyrants to the Republican Party
For Immediate Release: February 12, 2024
Declaring herself unafraid to stand-up for the Reagan principles that made the Republican Party and America great, Arizona native and noted neuroscientist Elizabeth Reye today announced the launch of her campaign for United States Senate from Arizona.
“Republican and independent voters deserve a clear choice between the can-do conservatism of Ronald Reagan and the do-nothing nihilism of Donald Trump and Kari Lake,” Reye said. “In America, Ronald Reagan saw a Shining City on a Hill. Trump and Lake would have us believe that means it’s on fire and that only an autocrat can fix it. That is not the party of Reagan. In fact, this is exactly what President Reagan stood-against.
“The border bill that Kari Lake led the charge to kill, would have added 4300 new border agents, 100 new immigration judges, restrictions on amnesty, high-tech screening devices for fentanyl traffickers and millions to fight the cartels,” Reye said. “No true Reagan Republican would throw away this chance to enact such a conservative border agenda. But that is exactly what Kari did, she threw away the hopes of our brave border patrol agents and their families. All for a crummy photo-op and a shot to be Donald Trump’s VP.
“By opposing the most America First border bill in generations, Kari Lake threw Arizona families under the bus in order to put one American First. That person’s name is Donald Trump. This is not Reagan Republicanism. This is just crass political opportunism with no regard for the Border patrol agents and Arizonans who suffer from it.
“I’m betting on Arizona to remember what it truly means to have the conscience of a conservative,” Reye said. “That is why I am running and why I will not be outworked because no less than the future of our party, our state, and our nation is at stake.”